Based on our experience and research, we have designed 3 types of Annual Maintenance Programs to fit the needs of most of our customers. We also offer cleaning for Special Occassions and New Construction.
Popular with our commercial customers.
Gaining in popularity with our residential customers who love to host parties.
* Cleanest windows for any occasion
* Provides 12 cleanings per year at 20% discount off of regular prices. You pick the dates.
* Designed for lowest cost per visit.
Designed for residential customers wanting the extra touch on windows. Recommended for our solar panel customers.
* Provides 4 cleanings per year, 1 per quarter at 10% discount off of regular prices. You pick the dates.
* Designed for low monthly cost
Helps guarantee essential maintenance of your home. Used by both, window and solar panel customers.
* Provides 2 cleanings per year, 1 every 6 months at 5% discount off of regular prices. You pick the dates.
* Designed for customers wanting a maintenance plan at an affordable option